Tuesday, June 28, 2011

::::|| VU ||:::: Re: CS301_Assign_04

//This program displayes the ASCII code table as per USER requirement
//This program will help in playing with Upper cases and Lower cases as well as many more.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

main() //main function (***Started)
int iFrom=0,iTo=0, i, iRange; //Variable declarations
char c;
cout<<"Please Enter the Range for ASCII Codes : "<<'\n';
cout<<"Range From : ";
cin>>iFrom; //Getting a numaric value from the user
cout<<"Range To : ";
cin>>iTo; //Getting a numaric value from the user

iRange = (iTo)-(iFrom); //Calculating the total required number of iteration
for(i=0; i<=iRange; i++) //For LOOP (***started)
c = iFrom; //Value of iFrom passing to c
cout<<iFrom<<"<-Ascii "<<"("<<c<<")"<<'\t'; //Print on the screen (Tab uses to view all ASCII in one go)
} //For Loop (###Ended)
} //Main (###Ended)

/*Program written by hussain (mc100--------)
because our respected sir asking us to make some functions by your own
So I will try to make some fuctions that may behave just like the C Library functions.. Inshallah;
Best of luck all the students
From 65 To 90 will give us all ASCII of UPPER case A to Z.
From 97 To 122 will give us all ASCII of LOWER case a to z.
From 48 To 57 will give us all ASCII of Numarics 0 to 9*/

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 10:55 AM, ..::ISHFAQ::.. <mc100402092@vu.edu.pk> wrote:

اسلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ و برکاتہ

Plz Discuss CS301_Assign_04_Here

Some Important Question?

What is meant by frequency table?  ( Its means that how many times a character exists in the sentence like, there are u=2 in virtual university)


How to construct frequency table? ( see above and its creation is very simple as above)


What is ASCII Code Table and its use? (I have write a program in my 1st semester to see all the ASCII code and that .cpp file I have attached here. It is the numeric representation of each and every character or space bar or any key of the key board and its range is from 0-127 whereas the extended ASCII are from 0-255)


Huffman Tree:

What is meant by Huffman table? (Huffman table is nothing but just a frequency table)


How to construct Huffman table?(If you would like to ask how to construct Huffman tree than see........  )

 (Just like a binary tree. (i) Make nodes for each and every character and mark its frequency (ii) separate the nodes of same frequency (iii) make tree by using a blank root node (all process is available on the Lecture 25 nd 26 of handouts.)


Where Huffman table is used ? (No Huffman table but Huffman CODE..... to determine the Huffman Code some one have to mark all links with 1 to the right side of every node and with 0 to the left side of a node.... ON THE HUFFMAN TREE.... and then traverse from ROOT NODE up to the required character)


Huffman Code for each Character:(Described above to traverse from root node to the required node)




Huffman encoding of given Phrase: ("virtual University of Pakistan" in this sentence you have to put all the codes of specific character like code of v then i then r then t and so on)



ACSII encoding of given phrase (Just put all the ASCII code in order ... like ..... ASCII for v then i then r and so on.... ASCII can be taken to run the program I have attached named ASCII.cpp)

Attachment is the practical application of Huffman Amgorithm using C++ programming
for the given sentence"Welcome to Virtual University".
This program is for just learning purpose of Huffman Algorithm in practical.
It will be shared very soon.
Note : the attachment can not e considered as solution to assignment because Huffman code are varying for the same input data due to difference in Huffman Tree construction..
Best Wishes,
Muhammd Ishfaq
MCS 2nd Semester (PakPattan)

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