Sunday, July 24, 2011

::::|| VU ||:::: Computer Tips [ The Ultimate Security System For Your Drives + Removing A Browser Uninstall Headache For Good + Finding The Image You Need - Easier Than Ever ] 07/06/2011

Computer Tips

ws Worldstart Computer Tips 07-06-2011

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Quick Tips

Search for Clip Art in Bing

It's cool that you can use search engines to look for pictures of stuff, but what if you're just looking for clipart? Bing, Microsoft's search engine, has a cool filter that allow you to look for just such a thing!

Here's the skinny:

Go over to Bing ( and click on Images in the top toolbar.

Put in your search string – for example, I used American Flag – and hit the search button.

Now, after your results have appeared, click on STYLE in the left toolbar and then click Clipart.

Voila! Your results will now filter to clipart only! You can also choose to go back to Photograph at any time, too, if you want.

It's clipart time!


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Cutting Edge Photo Editing - Less Than 7 Bucks!

PROFESSIONAL Results Quickly & Easily!

Why Didn't Someone Think Of This Sooner?

No - You're Not Dreaming...

Powerhouse Digital Photo Enhancing & Editing Software For Just $6.97!

Your Photos Will Look Absolutely Amazing!

Priced So Low - You'll Wonder How We Did It!




I was so excited when I found PhotoImpact5! Not only will this give you the professional digital photo results that you're craving, you don't have to spend 5, 10, even 20+ hours learning how to use the program. If it's professional photo results with minimal effort that you desire - then you NEED this program!

And the BEST part is - it's LESS than 7 bucks!

If you've EVER gotten confused trying to use a high-end photo editing product - PhotoImpact5 IS FOR YOU! You'll hardly believe how EASY it is to get professional looking photos with this!

Now, even though this editing software is basic and simple to use when you compare it to, let's say, PhotoShop - it's definitely doesn't skimp on the editing tools or quality results that it gives you!

You'll get professional results each and every time you edit a digital picture!

Wait'll ya see the tools that this baby's jam-packed and loaded with! The eyedropper, crop tool, paint bucket, smudge tool & dodge tools, color palette, brightness & contrast tools - whew, that's just to name a few!

This has EVERYTHING that you need for professional photo editing made easy!

Oh, and you'll just love the Quick Command menu that lets you easily enhance any photo! Add frames and shadows, enhance your photos, add filters and so much more!

The Clarity Menu is absolutely incredible - you can sharpen, focus, and fine tune your digital images using this! Turn any an image that's just a little blurry or just out of focus into a sharp masterpiece using this menu!

Wait'll ya see Brush Gallery - it gives you access to over 150 painting, cloning and retouching brushes! It even lets you remove red-eye, scratches, and noise and you can even completely change colors on your photo! Talk about amazing! You even get 38 textures to be selected that makes it look like a painting on a canvas! WOW!

My absolute favorite feature - and what really sets PhotoImpact apart from the pack is its EasyPalette. This single dockable window gives you access to an unbelievable range of power with up to 14 galleries of effects, 7 libraries of draggable objects and a layer manager for controlling the objects in your current image! It makes everything accessible and right at your fingertips!

And the EasyPalette Backgrounds will blow your mind! You can edit any photo to have cool backdrop effects like fireworks, lightning, a city and more!

The Post-processing Wizard makes processing any scanned image a breeze. Photos can really get distorted when using a scanner, but this will let you fix 'em in no time flat! In just a few clicks you can straighten, crop, focus, brighten, balance color, remove red eye and add a frame!

Oooh - and you're gonna absolutely love the effects that PhotoImpact5 comes with! In just the click of your mouse you can instantly turn any photo into a water painting, charcoal drawing, oil painting, mosaic, puzzle and tons more!

You won't believe how incredibly EASY the organizing digital photograph software is to use! It's gonna blow your mind with how simple it is to catalogue your images for easy access.

I'm sure you know how tough it can be searching for that one image out of thousands! Stop wasting time and get this! This is gonna save you TONS of time when it comes to digging through all of those digital photos that you have saved on your computer.

And that is just a little sampling of what you can do with this program - and it's all SUPER SIMPLE to use! Now, I could go on forever about all this has to offer, but what it boils down to is...If you want a LOW COST and EASY alternative to professional photo editing software - PhotoImpact5 is your guy!

The sky is the limit when it comes to editing your photos using PhotoImpact 5...AND it makes photo editing a breeze!

Oh, yeah, the deal - we're talking just $6.97 and US shipping is FREE! That's got to be one of the best deals in the history of the Photo Editing Software - Heck most professional photo editing programs go for a MINIMUM of $60!

PS - This is truly our BEST VALUE in photo editing software that we've EVER don't let it pass ya by!

Reg Price:
Best So Far:
Today's Jaw-Dropper:


Out Of Our Rockers, Jaw Droppin, Crazy Low Price!!

We've NEVER Had An 8GB Flash Drive This Cheap!!!

Massive 8 GIG PQI Flash Drive - Just $16.97!!!

Yup, You Read That Right! Only $16.97!!

Lexar JumpDrive   Firefly 8GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive

This Bad Boy Even Has A Lifetime Warranty!!

Don't Pay $40 - $60 Somewhere Else!

HURRY! This Sale Will Only Last 24 Hours!

When we got the new pricing for these, we were completely blown away!! I have seen 8Gig flash drives go for upward of $50 all over the place! I've had staff - and even some friends - say things like "Really, these are 8GB's - brand new?" My answer is always the same - "Yup - that's correct!"

These are AWESOME
8 Gig PQI Flash Drives and they are gonna FLY outta here!

I just did some checking around to see what 8gb flash drives are going for retail right now - here's what I found: the "big box" stores are getting no less than $50.00 for 'em (most are closer to $70.00)!

So when I say it's pretty amazing that we're able to do these for less than $17.00, you know that's not just a line, it's a fact!!

Oh, and get this - these aren't second rate drives, they're PQI drives so you know they're top of the line, and they have a LIFETIME warranty!Lexar   JumpDrive Firefly 8GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive

Plus - With 8 GB of space, it's like the Grand Canyon of flash drives!

This is equivalent to carrying around 11 - yeah 11 - CD-Rs!! That's AMAZING!!

It is definitely your smartest portable storage solution, allowing you to carry a whoppin' 8GB of your documents, spreadsheets, files, programs, photos, videos, music, and important back-up material, all in one extremely small device!

Just look at all this can hold! Amazing!

Up to 4800 Photos!
Thousands Of Documents And Files!
2000 MP3 Songs (that's over 4 days worth!)
24 Hours Of MPEG4 Movies!

Oh, and setup is soooo easy! For XP, Vista, and 7 computers, you just plug it and you're good to go. The drive will show up under My Computer. Just drag the files over you want to put on the drive! That's it!

Again, the price is AMAZING, so now's the time to buy! Just $16.97 and US shipping is FREE! LIMITED TIME OFFER! $50-$70 retail!! It's crazy not to grab a few at this kind of price! Here's the link:

PS - We're not sure how long our inventory is going to last on these as it is a limited time deal! So, get to the site as soon as you can ~ before our supplier increases the price!!

Warning - The price is set to increase to $28.97 at 11:59pm, CST tonight (IF there are actually any left)! Better get yours NOW!!

Computers 101

K Vee Shanker asks:

My operating system is XP and I'm not able to uninstall the IE browser. There is no such option in the ADD/Remove Programs. Can you help me?

Thanks for the question, and let me begin the answer with the following quote from Microsoft, "After you install Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3), you cannot uninstall Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8".

However, versions of Internet Explorer can be uninstalled. For this demonstration, IE8 was removed. After that, the browser automatically reverted to the previously installed IE7. With a minor adjustment to the Run line command (see below), this process can also be used to uninstall IE7 (it should be noted that wasn't done here).

Before uninstalling a browser, be sure another is installed. For more information, and for IE uninstall instructions for Vista, click here.

Begin by making hidden files and folders visible (this step is recommended by Microsoft, but I didn't find it necessary. On my computer, the IE uninstall was successful either way).

Click Start and select My Documents. Or, since the goal is to get into Windows Explorer, the keyboard shortcut (Win+E) can also be used.


Whichever method is chosen, from the Tools menu, select Folder Options.


Under the View tab, in Advanced settings, click the radio button beside Show hidden files and folders.


For the next step, you'll have to know the correct IE version number. If you're not sure which version you're running, in the IE Help menu, click About Internet Explorer (the screenshots below were taken after IE 8 was uninstalled).



Then, using the keyboard shortcut (Win+R), bring up Run and type (or copy and paste) the following, %windir%\ie8\spuninst\spuninst.exe

Then click OK.


This run command applies to IE8. When removing a different version, the version number will need to be changed (%windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe)

In the Removal Wizard, click Next.


The following message will appear, with a list of all programs and updates installed after the installation of IE8. While a warning indicates that these programs might not work properly if IE is uninstalled, I had no problems and, when the process was complete, Windows updates and IE8 were easily reinstalled.


Click Finish in the Removal Wizard for an automatic restart. Or, if you're not ready for a restart, check the box, Do not restart now.


Thanks again for the question.


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MS Office

MS PowerPoint: Reducing File Size

We've all done it… created an awesome presentation and found that when finished that the file size was huge!

While disk space my not be a huge issue for you, these monstrous files can be a pain to move from place to place.

Numerous pictures in a presentation will definitely inflate the file size, but the concept of making the file smaller doesn't mean that you necessarily need to go in and reduce the number of images used.

Obviously, without actually removing the pictures there's a limit to what we can do about the file size but there is some work we can do to make it a bit more manageable.

What I propose is that we have PowerPoint compress our pictures in order to make them smaller – changing the resolution of the picture to match what you're actually doing with it (using it on a screen) will reduce its size. Since we're not looking to print a masterpiece from the pictures a simple compression is not noticeable in this format.

That said, if you're going to apply artistic effects to the picture then you may not like the outcome so in those instances you'll have to decide if compression is the right move.

Get the rest of the tip here!

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Tip of the Day

Google Analytics

So you've created a website. Well Done! Now, maximize profits by turning page views into profits. By using Google Analytics, you can do just that. Read on to know more about Google Analytics and how to sign up for it.

Google has many products that enable you to make more money from your website. Some of these products are AdWords, AdSense, and Website Optimizer. Google Analytics allows you to use these products to increase your revenue. Even if you don't use these Google offerings, Google Analytics still has quite a bit to offer. For example, it helps you target your marketing efforts. You might be wondering how much it costs…well…Google Analytics is absolutely FREE!!!

Before we show you how to sign-up for this tool, have a look at its features.

Calculate the Advertising Return-On-Investment (ROI):
This is particularly useful because many times the marketing strategy may involve several changes, such as change in website usability and using rich media. By using Google Analytics, you can compute the cost to benefit ratio and calculate the ROI.

Track the Cross Channel and Multimedia Tracking:
With Google Analytics, you can compare website usage metrics with industry averages. The tracking facility is also useful as it help you track video and social networking applications.

Data Visualization:
Google Analytics presents data, such as trends and patterns, in an easy-to-read graphical manner.

Report Customization:
This is a wonderful feature that helps you create reports and dashboards that are specific to your business scenario.

There are a number of more sophisticated features, which you can learn about later. Now, let's see how to sign up for Google Analytics.

Get the rest of the tip here!

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Today's Feature

Securing your Drive with Bitlocker

Securing and encrypting your files is often either expensive or uncertain. If you own Windows 7 Enterprise or Windows 7 Ultimate, however, then you already have a free way to secure your drive, included in your operating system. These versions of Windows 7 include BitLocker, Microsoft's drive encryption software – and if you own a business, work in an office, or just want file security, encrypting your files is the thing to do.


To access BitLocker drive encryption, double-click on My Computer, and then right click over the drive you want to protect.

Get the rest of the tip here!

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Amanda's Coolsite

Boni Chainsaw Carving

I absolutely love art in all forms, but I was shocked when I was sent a link to this post on LumberJocks and discovered the level of artistry that can be achieved between man, chainsaw, and wood. Navigation is simple, just scroll down the page. Because this post is image heavy it may take time for all of the images to load if you have a slower connection or older computer, but I promise you it is worth the wait so hang in there. Go grab a cup of coffee or a snack while they load, and come back to check out  well over twenty-five photos posted of Randy Boni's amazing work carving wood with a chainsaw into deer, bears, raccoons, and even turkeys!

I think that all out of all of the images here – the turkeys are my favorite. I showed them to my co-worker, and he thought they were real turkeys sitting on log and wouldn't believe me that they were made of wood, let alone that they were carved with a chainsaw.  I like that this post contains images of both the finished products, as well as images of what the peices looked like before they were stained and painted. Especially with the images of those amazing turkeys! It's stellar to see how the paint or stain used on them brings out all the little details and makes them pop.

Now I couldn't just stop at viewing what was just posted here. With my super-sleuthing skills I noticed that the very first image contained the link to the artists homepage. If you would like to check out more of Randy Boni's work, you'll need to click here. You'll be whisked away to his site, where you will be greeted by an amazing carving of a horse. It looks like it could easily be a carousel piece. It's amazing! And that's just a taste of what else you will discover if you check out the Latest Innovations, Sampler or Work, Master Mantels, Landmarks or Interior Design sections of his site.  You can even learn more about him in the Get to Know Randy section – where you'll find photos, quotes, and his philosophy.

Are you like my co-worker and can't believe that this artist makes his marvels with wood and a chainsaw? Well then check out this video!  The video is time-lapsed so that you can watch the entire process from raw tree log to carved work of art. You'll get to see the master and work! I was amazed at how he uses his chainsaw, so deftly, and intricately to create his vision.

Be sure to check both sites and the video out today! You won't regret that you did!


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Monthly Wallpaper


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Monthly Wallpaper

July Wallpaper!

All the desktop wallpaper below is 100% free. Note that the wallpaper is now on Steve's new site, Backcountry Gallery, so head on over and check it out!

Eagle Eye

This was photographed in Antelope Canyon near Page AZ. The rock formation resembles the head of an eagle - and as a bonus, the rock behind the formation is lit by the sun - giving it a kind of "glow".

Angry Owl

How this for intense? This is a fledgling long eared owl we found in Wind Cave National Park. Actually we found three of them, but this little guy was easily the most expressive. My son Grant walked up behind me to get a better look at what was going on, the owl spotted him, and this photo is the result.

Upper Falls Framed

This is a super-cool little falls in Hocking Hills State Park. I noticed this particular composition when I was actually leaving the area heading back up to the parking lot. I thought the framing of the tree, rock, root, and bridge was pretty cool - hop you like it too!

It can all be found here:



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